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We are a full service senior living and care finder organization.
Formerly Senior Living Central California.

Resources & Info

Senior Centers

Who They Are and What They Do…

Senior Centers are public locations where local seniors gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. Usually designated as a not-for-profit organization, these centers are a haven for seniors to interact and socialize away from their homes. The activities that they offer tend to be geared toward the more independent (less medically needy) seniors and sometimes charge a small fee to help cover basic costs for the activity. Often times, senior centers will employ individuals to organize the center and will rely on volunteers to run the classes, workshops, and interact with the members. Guest speakers, visiting artists, special shows, and specific clubs are welcome to visit with the understanding that they cannot solicit.
Senior centers do not usually endorse any private company; instead they can inform their members of the availability of services that may enhance their lives outside the center and leave it up to the member to independently research and explore various options on their own.

Newsletters are a common form of communication within the senior center to let members know of upcoming events and local services. Providing meals through a cafeteria, dining room, and/or meals-on-wheels program is an option for some senior centers, usually at little to no fee for the members.